"Ladoga LightBlack" is a Cyrillic font available for OS X and Windows. Identical font files for both platforms.
The professional solution for sans-serif Cyrillic!Weights: light, black, light-italic, blackitalic
Formats: Unicode OpenType PostScript and Unicode TrueType (OS X and Win)
Character set: Standard Cyrillic. Bonus feature: Latin characters (West).
Slavic Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian (White Russian), Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian
(for all languages: contemporary and historic orthography).Updates are available for any registered customer of a previous version of Ladoga LB
Also available for Mac OS 9, compatible with Cyrillic Language Kit, in PostScript and in TrueType.
Ladoga LightBlack is the perfect companion to Ladoga.
Price category / Preiskategorie: A (single weights) and C (all four weights)